понедельник, 3 октября 2016 г.

SEMINAR 2. CALL & Language Skills

Get aquianted with multi-skill collections by the Kelly brothers


1. Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation

Follow the link to learn about Professor Higgins multimedia soft

Then  download free English pronunciation Course program from

Then learn about Rosetta Stone from

And finaly learn about Auralog's Tell Me More programm

2.  Reading and Writing

Learn the ways CALL can be used to support reading

Some ways computers enhance writing instruction


Grammar practice was perhaps the earliest use of CALL. Today grammar work is largely focused on the following:


Vocabulary activities have been around since the early days of CALL in the form of electronic flashcards (linking L2 word to L1 translation or L2 word to L2 definition). Other common CALL implementations for vocabulary include the following.

An outstanding site for vocabulary teaching and research tools is Tom Cobb's Compleat Lexical Tutor:  http://www.lextutor.ca/

 Leave your comments in your Blogs

Try to share your opinion on
either the online services and multimedia soft you learned about new? interesting? useful?
then describe services you liked most
and finaly 
Home tast: Please, prepare the sample of using a servce/ services within particular discipline you're studing this year and for selfeducation